Our Partners

Philanthropic Partners

Thank you to our philanthropic partners that invest in MOC's vision and mission.

The Colorado Health Foundation

Our vision is that across Colorado, each of us can say: "We have all we need to live healthy lives."

The Denver Foundation

We inspire people and mobilize resources to strengthen our community.

Kresge Foundation

We Work to Expand Opportunities in America’s Cities Through Grantmaking and Social Investing.

Caring for Denver Foundation

Addressing Denver’s mental health and substance misuse needs by growing community-informed solutions, dismantling stigma, and turning the community’s desire to help into action.

Steps to Success

Promoting positive youth development and reducing youth violence in Montbello through a coordinated community-wide effort. We envision a self-empowered community that we are proud of.

Mile High Connects

We prioritize and increase equitable investment into community driven solutions by advancing collective action among nonprofits, community organizers, private and public sector, influencing how vulnerable communities experience growth.

City of Denver

The Mile High City support cummunity initiatives and organizations making a positive impact in the community.

Rose Foundation

We work to advance inclusive, engaged and equitable Greater Denver communities through values-driven philanthropy.

Gates Family Foundation

The Gates Family Foundation invests in projects and organizations which make a meaningful, positive impact in Colorado and enhance the quality of life for those living in, working in, and visiting the state. The Foundation promotes excellence, innovation, and self-sufficiency in public education, healthy lifestyles, community enrichment, connection to nature, and stewardship of the state’s natural inheritance. The Foundation’s actions will remain consistent with the founders’ intentions and the principles of citizenship, entrepreneurship, and free enterprise.


RootED is passionately committed to ensuring every child in Denver has the opportunity and support to achieve success in school, college and their chosen career.

The Colorado Trust

The Trust believes local and statewide policies should have a positive impact on people’s well-being.

Community Partners

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