Montbello Organizing Committee is a nonprofit Community Development Corporation (CDC) that collaborates with many partner organizations and residents who work and live in the Greater Montbello Community. A diverse, multicultural, multi-ethnic group of Montbello residents began meeting in mid-2013 to identify and establish a mechanism to address the issues that Montbello residents face. A Montbello Organizing Committee (MOC) leadership team was formed, training in community organizing was conducted, and the organization began reaching out to the community.

Through a series of community engagement activities that began in 2014 which included surveying, door-knocking, and community gatherings, almost 500 residents identified key issues to be addressed to make Montbello a healthy community.
Working with residents to organize their voices and activate their intentions has proven to be an effective means for bringing equity and resident leadership to bear on the challenges faced by this often-overlooked community.
Youth crime and violence​
Disproportionate rate of poor health outcomes (both physical, mental, and behavioral) among communities of color
Lack of access to healthy, nutritious food and lack of
grocery store in the community
Lack of affordable housing
A failing education system that significantly impacts Black and Brown students.
The ongoing generational effects of redlining
Disproportionate rate of unemployment and underemployment in the community.
Disproportionate impact of climate change on residents
Cultural chasm across racial and ethnic lines that threaten to divide the community.
A diverse, multicultural, multi-ethnic group of Montbello residents began meeting in mid-2013 to identify and establish a mechanism to address the issues that Montbello residents face.
Montbello Organizing Committee (MOC) is a community organization whose purpose is to galvanize and cultivate Montbello stakeholders and resident leaders to proactively address the
critical issues affecting their quality of life.

The Montbello Organizing Committee (MOC) envisions a community that is healthy, vibrant, strong, and economically viable. Montbello will
be a community where there is two-way communication between government, leadership, and citizens and where the residents themselves
are powerful voices and change agents. The
people who live here are healthy in mind, body,
and spirit; they are safe and self-reliant, and mechanisms of communicating information and opportunity exist. Montbello will continue to
honor the cultural heritage and diversity of the community. Finally, the economic well-being of
the community ensures that residents have
access to sustaining jobs, good education, and ample resources.
MOC is a Community Development Corporation and a 501c3 organization and is registered as a Colorado Nonprofit. The organization is governed by a board of directors that meets monthly. An executive committee comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer meets periodically to address time-sensitive issues that fall outside the regular monthly meetings. A finance team comprised of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, FreshLo Co-Chair, Executive Director, and MOC Bookkeeper meets at least monthly to oversee and prepare financial documents. Elections are held every year for the officer positions. Funded primarily by foundation and government grants, fundraisers, and individuals, all board members contribute financially to MOC.
To learn more read our 2022-2024 Strategic Plan.