Money Smart sessions held throughout the year focus on the following topics:
Your Money Values and Influences
You Can Bank On It
Your Income and Expenses
Your Spending and Saving Plan
Your Savings
Credit Reports and Scores
Borrowing Basics
Managing Debt
Using Credit Cards
Building Your Financial Future
Protecting Your Identity and Other Assets
Making Housing Decisions
Buying a Home
Disasters: Financial Preparation and Recovery
Money Smart for Adults is a course developed by
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). This program is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions and build a secure financial future.
Montbello’s Money Smart for Adults is designed
to empower individuals with the knowledge and
skills necessary to make informed financial decisions, navigate the complexities of the modern financial landscape, and build a secure financial future.
All courses are free and individuals may register for one or more classes.
To register for a Money Smart course, please complete the registration form.