Anger Management Group
Learn relaxation skills, build awareness, and develop effective communication and conflict resolution strategies in this 12-week cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) group.
Starts October 1st, Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm.
Cost: $30 per session, some insurances accepted.
Management Group

​Substance Abuse Recovery Support Group
Find therapeutic support, tools for maintaining sobriety, and a non-judgmental environment to share your journey in this hybrid group (in-person and online options).
Saturdays from 9-10:30 AM.
Cost: Some insurances accepted and donation-based.
Substance Abuse Recovery Support Group
Hover over each workshop for more information.

Virtual Therapy Group
- Strength in Numbers
Connect with others navigating chronic illness and disabilities in this virtual group focused on healthy coping mechanisms.
Separate groups for ages 18-40 (every 2nd Tuesday at 3pm) and 40+ (every 4th Tuesday at 3pm).
Meets on Google Meets.
Cost: Most insurances accepted, or $10 per group meeting.